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It’s Official: Logan Paul To Appear For A Meet and Greet In The Dubai Mall

The news you’ve been waiting for…

It's Official: Logan Paul To Appear For A Meet and Greet In The Dubai Mall

Good news Middle East Logan Paul fans…. ITP Live can officially reveal that the American social media superstar will be doing a one-off meet and greet in The Dubai Mall this November.

Already set to speak at the ITP Live Influencer Conference on November 12th (more on that here), the man with over a 50m following will be sensationally marking his debut in the UAE by greeting his fans at the Dubai Ice Rink (in the middle of The Dubai Mall) between 5:30pm until 7:30pm on November 11th. 

Here’s Logan’s himself, offering a special message to his multitude of Middle East followers….

Video of Logan Paul Will Be Doing A Meet and Greet in Dubai Mall!

So, there you have it…. Logan Paul and the Middle East’s own Mo Vlogs.  Two YouTube sensations in the same place, on the same day, at the same time. Better make sure your phones are charged for those selfies, folks. 

For more news on the Mo and the Hollywood Maverick’s appearance, please sign up to our ITP Live newsletter here and make sure you’re following us on our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!