Are you looking to change your job? Do you spend countless hours on LinkedIn constantly refreshing the page in the hopes of something popping up? Have you camped outside large corporation passing your CV to any office worker who looks your way? Well, thankfully Facebook has served up a far less tasking way of finding gainful employment with a new update that allows users to search for job openings directly on the site.
So yes, this now means you can now justify spending even more time on the world’s favourite social media network.
This change is similar to LinkedIn’s core functionality, with Facebook having already rolled out the update for its users in the U.S. and Canada. Employers can post open positions in two ways – either on the company’s page itself or in the newly added ‘Jobs bookmark.’
Users now have the opportunity to have everything they could ever need in one streamlined, easily accessible place. Â (bit too corporatey-businessy)
However, there are sure to be implications to this update, as users should keep in mind that it’s probably best to spend a little time cleaning up their profiles to filter those posts about your weekend brunch, or even your time as a carefree youth at university.  If you need help in that department we also have an article on that here (I will add hyperlink)
After submitting your application, recruiters can access your full Facebook profile so as a crucial first step, we’d definitely recommend using Facebook’s inbuilt Privacy Checkup tool to make sure your posts, videos and photos and posts.
And while you’re at it, why not look at all the different pages you’ve been following over the years, your next employer could be watching, after all.