Influencers and brands, we’ve got great news for you!
Snapchat is finally giving its creators access to their analytics. If you make official Stories or have a large following on Snapchat, you can now view your rates of engagement on the app.
According to TechCrunch, the new analytics tool includes the following features…
• Total Story Views in the past week, month and year to date.
• Time Spent Viewing Stories in minutes in the past week, month, and year to date.
• Daily unique Story viewers, average time viewers spent watching, and completion rates
• Audience demographics like gender breakdown, top age bracket, and top geographic regions
• Audience interests and lifestyle categories like film and TV, food, fashion, and sports their audiences care about
Why should influencers and brands be rejoicing over the new analytics feature on Snapchat?
There are a lot of reasons why Snap creators should be excited about this new feature.
Having access to Snapchat analytics makes it easier for influencers to show marketers their reach and engagement rates, providing an element of transparency in the collaboration process. And when it comes to creating content, they now have the power to tailor their Snap Stories to their followers’ interests.
Marketers can now ensure they’re working with the right influencers, that boast demographics they specifically want to tap into.
While your average Snapchat user isn’t too happy about the recent redesign of the app, influencers and brands will surely be excited about the addition of the new analytics tool.
Nice move, Snapchat.
What are your thoughts on Snapchat’s new analytics tool? Let us know in the comments below…