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Instagram Shares How Brands and Marketers Can Increase Insta-Story Views

Keep your audience retention high on your Stories with these 5 tips

Instagram Shares How Brands and Marketers Can Increase Insta-Story Views

Instagram wants to help digital marketers with their Insta-Stories.

The social media platform recently published an infograph in partnership with Vice Media, which includes helpful tips for brands, marketers and publishers looking to grow their reach and keep audience retention on their Story content.

They include cross-promoting in-house talent, storyboarding and editing content before uploading and much more.

According to Social Media Today “. . . there are some good pointers here, and while not all brands can utilize the same strategies, it’s worth taking note of what Vice has to say.”

The social media news website noted Vice has nearly 3m followers on Instagram, and its Insta-Stories see high levels of engagement.

Want to know a few tips and tricks when it comes to increasing engagement and retention across your Stories? Check out the infograph below.

How To Increase Instagram Story Views With This Infograph

Source: Facebook Journalism Project

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Photo credit: Facebook Journalism Project and Instagram.