Looking for creative ideas to use Snapchat as a platform during the holiday season? The Story-sharing platform has some festive tips to push your marketing strategies.
As SocialMediaToday put it, “…with so many people – especially younger users – getting phones for Christmas, it makes sense that those new phone users are going to be looking for apps, which means that if you have an app to pitch, now is the time to do it.”
Here’s how you can do it as Snapchat provided some tips to users on the platform:
How to plan beyond 25th of December
App install volumes spike up from somewhere around December 25 through January, marketing strategies should ideally include more campaigns during this time, as well as plans to nurture new users in January after intense holiday competition subsides.
As per Snapchat “…over 49% of Snapchatters also say they are “impulse shoppers,” 10 making them a valuable group for last minute holiday deals and offers into the new year.”
It is important for marketers to make most of consumers through process of trying to set and follow their new years resolutions.
Marketing to Gen Z
Targeting the right group of individuals is the key in this day and age, as its justified as the mobile (app) generation, be sure to consider Gen Z and Millenials when targeting your campaigns.
Snapchat indicated that “… Gen Z users spend 3.7 hours & 150 sessions per app per month on average (which is 55% more sessions than older generations)”
They are surely to see your campaign on Snapchat considering the amount of time they spend on thier phones.
Rengaging users who have changed their device phones
Mobile phone we know is a popular gift during the holidays, and Snapchatters are no exception to this trend. This is an opportunity for marketers to run device-targeted campaigns
As Snapchat stated “…This presents a natural opportunity for marketers to run device-targeted campaigns or paid re-engagement before they lapse. Highly engaged Snapchatters with new phones means more opportunity for app downloads and in-app monetization.”
Utilizing impactful ad formats
Running campaigns ahead of January can not only give marketers a push but also create a less hectic schedule for not only them but consumers as well.
Snapchat says that “When you’re competing for mindshare the best way to cut through the noise is with a full screen, sound on, vertical video format that’s made for mobile.”
Here is an interesting fact Snapchat stated “…On Christmas Day, Snapchatters in the US switch on 4x as many new phones than an average day.”
Now is the time to push your campaigns on Snapchat, with the motive to maximizing awareness for the New Year!
You can check out Snapchat’s full list of app marketing tips here.
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