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5 Social Media Habits You Should Follow in 2020

How to grow your social media accounts, while taking care of your mental health

5 Social Media Habits You Should Follow in 2020

The social media landscape is changing so rapidly and over time. And it is so important for managers to stay at the top of their game and constantly cope with new and relevant approaches.

It’s not too late for a new-year-new-me!

For the sake of your mental and physical health, it is so important to adapt to habits that can help you and your business. It is so important to enjoy what you do as well as ensure you get the job done the right way…It’s worth taking a step back for a moment to consider how you can best manage each aspect.

Here are five habits that can be of great aid to you especially if you are work in the social media department:

1. Focus on building a community

First of all the best way to approach this habit is to stop calling it your audience, and to think of your following as more of a community.

Focus on answering comments and refrain from over automating your communication. Pay attention to your community and what they’re most interested in, what moves them, what drives them, what inspires them – and then create content surrounding that.

Create content that will focus on their preferences and we are sure you are to see success.

2. Set a time table

First things first figure this out…Is this 100% of your job, or just 10%? The best way to determine how much time social media management needs your attention, have a time table, allocate your time towards each activity and aim to invest the set time into the task (set a timer basically). It is almost like a working alarm… we love this habit and we sure think it helps you calm down as you follow a set timetable.

A time-based strategy like can be a great way for social media managers to manage multitasking.

3. Pay attention to your mental health 

Mental health stress on social media managers is a real thing, the best approach is to turn off ALL social media notifications when you leave work, sort of like a switch off button. Allocate some personal minutes to be on your private profile if you’d like. But try your best to take in a zen moment at least for an hour by shutting off your notifications.

Take digital detoxes and vacations – give your eyes a break from the screen.

4. Take perfectionism out of your dictionary 

Nobody is perfect and nor can be your content is never going to be perfect, it is completely ok to be ‘done and imperfect’, as it’s better than simply not done at all. Attention to detail is great, but perfectionism can be a killer.

Get that post up. Edit it later if you find a drastic mistake (do it all with your best potential)

5. Advocate for yourself

Social media managers are often also expected to be marketers, creators, analysts and customer service people. It’s no surprise, in the end, that so many of us end up stressed out. Make sure you don’t overwork or stress yourself out, set a limit if the stress surpasses is do something about it. It can be stressful to multitask but be sure to speak when needed (be your cheerleader).

We hope this gives you an idea of where you need focus on, test out these habits and see what’s working (Don’t forget to mention any habits we missed out on in our comments section). Finally, then do more of just what works for you, both personally and professionally.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.