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Here’s The Best Way To Kill Time When in Quarantine

Self-isolating? Need a break when working from home? Time to check out these games…

Here's The Best Way To Kill Time When in Quarantine

Stuck at home? Can’t leave because you’re in isolation or self-quarantine? Might be a good time to pick up a new hobby.

For those of you who don’t need to leave the house, now might be the best time to get your game on while avoiding COVID-19 (a.k.a. coronavirus).

Gamers are extremely familiar with this practice of self-quarantine (even without a pandemic) and are known to keep themselves locked inside with a bunch load of snacks, working on a game for hours, days, sometimes even weeks!

If you’ve decided to join the program and lock yourself indoors for a while in order to avoid getting the virus here’s a few suggestions that will keep you occupied for a while as well as help you enjoy the time you’re choosing to stay inside.

Here is the list of recommended games for you to play while you’re avoiding the general public.


Fortnite is a free game that can be played on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC/Mac and iOS/Android. Fortnite Battle Royale is a game of survival, which means in order to win you must defeat the other ninety-nine online players in the game.


PUBG is a free game that can be played on iPhone, Android, PC/Mac (paid version). PUBG is a player versus player shooter game in which up to one hundred players fight in a battle royale, a type of large-scale last man standing kind of game where players fight to remain the last alive. Players can choose to enter the match solo, duo or with a small team of up to four people.

Death Stranding

Death Stranding is a game that can be played on both PlayStation 4 and PC. Death Stranding is an action game set in an open world, it is the kind of game with a story line and plot and can be played solo, so grab your controler and live the story.

Call of Duty WarZone

Call of Duty: Warzone is a free-to-play battle royale video game and can be played solo or in teams obn PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. It has different formats of battles grounds depending on the game that you purchase.

So don’t go outside but go out on the internet and game your self-quarantined time away!

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.