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Beyoncé seeks justice for George Floyd on social media

She has asked her fans to take action by signing petitions of their choice

Beyoncé seeks justice for George Floyd on social media

Queen of well, everything, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, has asked her army of fans to step up and make a difference by taking action after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

“We’re broken and we’re disgusted,” she says in a video posted on Instagram. “We cannot normalize this pain. I’m not only speaking to people of color. If you’re white, black, brown and anything in between, I’m sure you feel hopeless by the racism going on in America right now.”

In the video, Beyoncé went on to say, “No more senseless killings of human beings. No more seeing people of color as less than human. We can no longer look away. George is all of our family and humanity. He is our family because he is a fellow American.”

“There have been too many times that we’ve seen these violent killings and no consequences,” she said. “Yes, someone’s been charged, but justice is far from being achieved.”

Beyoncé ended the video by asking fans to visit a page on her website which includes links to several petitions. One of the petitions on has already amassed more than 9 million signatures.

Celebrities and even renowned corporations and global brands have taken to their social media pages to show solidarity for the #BlackLivesMatter movement which has incited protests and riots from Atlanta to Berlin.

While it seems like everyone is posting about the serious issues of racism not just in America, but worldwide, we should definitely do our part by signing petitions where we can to ensure that action is taken.

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