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Facebook Pages Can Now Host Multiple Groups In Them

And here’s why you should care

Facebook Pages Can Now Host Multiple Groups In Them

Great news for Facebook page owners and users in general today, as the platform announced that pages can now host various sub groups in their communities, allowing brands to navigate and host discussions with their niche audiences.

In an update, Cheif Product Officer, Chris Cox, elaborates that artists, businesses, brands, and newspapers can now create groups, sharing the Washington Post as an example of application, who created a group ‘PostThis’ wherein reporters talk directly to avid fans of the paper about how stories come together. Opinion leaders of any kind can do something similar of course.

The feature, now released globally, has been tested in select markets over the past few months.

Separately, Mark Zuckerberg, embellished on some of the personal applications of groups, stating ”Some of these groups will be lighter — like people who follow sports teams or TV shows. Others will be more serious. Dealing with addiction can be isolating and is a place for people affected by addiction to come together.”