Dubai Bling’s Diva Dee Danya shares her National Day photoshoot pictures with us and tells us about life as an Emirati, living in the UAE. Having joined the cast of the very popular Netflix series Dubai Bling, Danya has been the topic of conversation for her loving and caring nature, as well as some controversy in the show with other influencers.
In this interview, we get to see more of who Danya is, how close the UAE is to her heart and what she wants her children to learn as they grow.
What does it mean to be an Emirati?

To be Emirati means to be proud of my country’s accomplishments. The UAE is celebrating its 51st National Day this year, and we have accomplished so much in such a short period of time. To be Emirati is to be accepting of others, loving and proud of our past, present, and future.
How has living in Dubai changed your life?
I have lived in Abu Dhabi my whole life but after I got married I moved to Dubai 7 years ago and have fallen in love with the city of Dubai. Every time I drive down the streets of Dubai, I am in awe of its achievements, architecture, and the life that Dubai has. It always inspires me to be a better version of myself and to never give up on my dreams.
What are you most proud of living here in the UAE?
One thing I am most proud of living in the UAE is having so many different cultures, religions, and people living harmoniously together. We learn from one another and inspire each other and there is no place on earth that comes close to the melting pot of cultures that the UAE has welcomed.

What is the one important thing you want to teach your children about their country?
I always tell my children stories of my great-grandfather and how life was for them before the Union of the 7 Emirates. I want my children to always be humbled by where they came from, and always remember their past but also be proud of how far their country has come and to be inspired by it.
How will you be celebrating National Day?
My family and I plan on going to Abu Dhabi, the capital to celebrate with everyone. We plan on driving down Corniche road to see the festivities, and the beautiful decorations on the buildings, streets, and cars, and to celebrate with everyone on this beautiful and proud occasion.
Tell us about your best and favourite memory you had in the UAE
That’s a hard question because I have so many favorite memories. I can’t think of a specific memory but one of my favorite memories would be driving down Corniche road and seeing people dancing and celebrating national day.
Do you think social media has helped people celebrate together?

Now with the era of social media people on the other side of the world can watch live videos, posts, pictures, and reels in real time and feel that they are part of the celebration which in a way brings all of us closer together.
What are you looking forward to the most in the future?
I’m looking forward to my kids growing up in the UAE and experiencing its beauty of it. The same way my husband and I experienced it while growing up and are still continuing to do so.