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A Salad, But Unhealthy
On TikTok, making candy salad is a craze among creators. You did indeed read that right. It’s just as amazing as it sounds.
You can prepare candy salad for a gathering or just for yourself. It’s a terrific way to bond with others and it makes a really great present. Thus, there really isn’t a drawback.
Healing You Inner Child
The point isn’t that candy salad is the healthiest salad ever.
Creator @what_wood_kim_do on TikTok remarks, “I have been seeing so many people making candy salad,” in her video that documents the recipe. She describes the mixture as “very healing for the inner child” and then implores you to ignore the amount of sugar in it!

Yes, set aside your concerns about drinking excessive amounts of sugar before continuing. Now that you accept that this salad isn’t particularly healthful for your inner child, here are some things to consider. Choosing components that won’t melt seems to be the first step in making candy salad. Thus, conjure up images of Nerds Gummy Clusters, Sour Patch Kids, Skittles, chopped Sweet Tart Ropes, licorice, and gummy bears.
How It’s Done
One creator, @doodler85, adds wrapped Hershey’s chocolate eggs to her Easter candy salad, but that was some of the only chocolate we saw being incorporated into the recipes online.
@doodler85 I joined the candy salad trend with this 🐣Easter Candy Salad 🐣 #candysalad #easter #eastercandysalad #candysalad🍭 #candy #eastergifts ♬ Little Happiness – Oneul
Some prepare candy salads as social activities, while others prepare them inner bowls or storage containers, seemingly intended for one person only.
Students in middle school will each bring a candy stack to add to the salad; they all gather in front of a large container. After that, a sandwich bag or something comparable of the mixture is given to each participant.
A content maker going by the handle @ary_is_superswag revealed how each color guard member added sweets to an enormous batch of sugary pleasure.
@ary_is_superswag Candy Salad for chapionships! I love all my big back guard babies🫶🏻#colorguard #championships #candysalad🍭 ♬ original sound – Ary<3
Though questioned in the comments, one user added wrapped little chocolate candy bars to the enormous container of goodies. One TikTik user screamed, “Now why would she put chocolate in a candy salad?”

Another person bemoaned, “There’s always that one person who puts something in there with paper on it.”
Another commentator, sensing that one member didn’t understand the assignment, snarked, “Bye with the wrapper on.”
@what_wood_kim_do I dont want to see any comments about the sugar in this. Let my inner child have this and share it with others 😂🫶🏼 #candysalad #candysalad🍭 #candysaladtrend #sourpatchkids #nerdsgummyclusters #gigglesskittles #sweettartropes #twizzlers #mambamagicsticks ♬ original sound – Kim Wood
Ultimately, with something like this, there aren’t any rules. If you are a chocolate lover and not so keen on gummy candy, then go for it! Just note that as one commenter cautioned, you’re likely to eat the whole thing in one sitting!
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