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Launched in 2020, It’s So Simple is the brainchild of Rachael Sacerdoti. Following her own astounding transformation, where she lost 30kg and saw outstanding results in both body and mind, mum of three Rachael set up It’s So Simple to empower women and pass on her valuable experience to enable them to follow in her footsteps, simply.
A qualified personal trainer, with a degree in psychology, Singapore-born Rachael believes that a combination of mindset, the right exercise, and well-thought-out nutrition is the formula for long-lasting, habit-changing results.
“Our programs have accountability at their core, with a supportive network that encourages and is committed to positive growth. The weight loss is just a bonus.”
With clients spanning 6 continents, from Australia to California, the UAE, and South Africa, the company has grown exponentially over the past 18 months and has an ever-expanding client network. Having helped hundreds of clients attain emotional and physical fitness, many way beyond anything they could have imagined, Rachael is now ready to unleash her exceptional knowledge unto the rest of the world.
Tell us about your fitness journey. Where did it all start?
RS: After the birth of my third child, I got myself into a terrible state. I was the heaviest I had ever been in my life, approaching 90kg, I couldn’t engage in active play with the kids, my body ached and I would run out of puff. Whilst on holiday with my family, one of my brothers pulled me aside and said that he was worried about me. It was the wake-up call I needed so I decided I was going to do something about it.

I started with gentle walks around the block, it really was all I could do, then a walk became a jog and eventually a run. I started to do HIIT workouts and I became mindful of what I was eating. It was all baby steps, but with commitment and persistence- slowly but surely things started to change.
What was your first success story? How did you help that person transform their life?
RS: It all started when Coronavirus hit and the gyms were all closed. A few friends asked me to help them to stay on track, and what began with a handful of friends quickly morphed into a fledging business as word of mouth spread more and more women joined. One of my earliest clients, who are still with me today had battled her weight all her life, tried every fad diet going, extremes of low calories, but had never managed to get sustainable results and a toned body. With our guidance, she started to sustainably lose weight, tone up and has kept it off.
How does your programme work?

RS: It’s So Simple is a holistic programme that supports our clients across, fitness, nutrition and critical accountability and support. Fitness, we guide our clients on what workouts to do and how often to do them, ensuring that they are appropriately challenged and getting fitter and stronger.
Our approach to nutrition is predominantly based on education. Teaching people how to fuel their bodies effectively whilst also enjoying their food. We are not overly prescriptive and do not advocate restricting food groups. The goal is to teach women how to eat in a healthy and sustainable way for life. We believe in 80:20 so you CAN have that treat.
Support and accountability are the real secrets of the programme. Our coaches work with our clients both in groups and individually. We are with our clients every step of the way on their journey, we educate, hold their hand, hold them accountable, and cheer them on.
What do you use social media for? Do you feel like it’s helped you in any way?
RS: Social media has been so instrumental in the growth of It’s So Simple. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be able to reach women across the globe, but Instagram has allowed me to do just that. We have worked with women from 6 continents. Through social media, I have been able to share my story, and client successes and hopefully put a few smiles on a few faces too!
Are there any fitness and nutrition influencers that you are inspired by on social media?
RS: Joe Wicks is a true inspiration, the reach that he has been able to build is just sensational, during the darkest days of lockdown he was keeping people active in their living rooms and making people smile.
I love Chontel Duncan of Australia, she has had five babies in less than six years and still has one of the most banging bodies in the world, she blows my mind.
What is your goal with its so simple?
RS: This is a real passion and my ultimate goal is to stop women from feeling as though they need to go on extreme diets, breaking the cycle of yo-yo dieting. The principles really are so simple, but that doesn’t always mean it is easy for everyone to do and we are here to support women on that journey.

In your Instagram bio, you say you’re an Online Fitness Coach – do you find more people prefer online or in person, why?
RS: It’s So Simple has always been an online business. The beauty of how we work is that we are with our clients 6 days a week on their phones, whereas in person you can only see someone once, maybe twice a week. We do not offer an in-person service, we started during COVID lockdowns when this was not possible and the virtual model has been super successful for us and our clients. It also allows us to reach all over the world, not limiting us to a local market.
When working out, how long does it take till you start to see a difference?
RS: This is very dependent on the starting point for the individual. It can be as soon as two weeks or as long as two months. The key thing is consistency in whatever you do. Stick to your training plan and if it is at the appropriate level for you, trust the process, and you WILL see results. But not only will you see results, but more importantly you will FEEL the results, you will feel more energetic in life, anxiety will lessen and you should sleep better. I am a big believer in transforming the body from the inside out, which creates sustainable and truly beneficial change.
What is the same question you get all the time from your clients and what do you tell them?
RS: Can I really do this? The clear answer is YES. With commitment, dedication, and openness, everyone can make concrete improvements to their health, nutrition, and fitness. If I could do it, so can you!

What is coming up for you next? What are you focusing on? What can we expect to see more of on your socials?
RS: Things are so busy at the moment, it’s a bit of a whirlwind. This year I have been trying to get some clients together for meet-ups, it’s so lovely to see people we have worked with for months in real life in a social setting. We continue to grow and expand to new countries, it’s just amazing to see how many lives we are able to touch.
My focus is on making sure that our amazing team within ISS is happy and delighting our clients.
Expect lots more recipes, workouts, and some glimpses of juggling a growing business and family life on socials!

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