Raghad Fahmi, eldest of the Fahmi sisters, celebrated her 19th birthday over the weekend, and it saw influencers from around the region coming together and taking selfies, videos, and dancing. The Fahmi sisters can also be known as the Kardashian family in the Middle East with their enormous following and continuous growth of numbers.
Raghad, the aspiring dentistry student, has 4 other siblings who are all girls and joined in the celebrations on Sunday 31st July. Raghad had a custom-made backdrop wall with ‘Happy Birthday Raghad’ written on the front, decorated with pink and peach flowers, and ivory feathers with balloons. There was also a small donut display and a 5 gorgeous 5-tier cake with pink tinsel over the top matching her flawless pink dress.
The first video Raghad uploaded was a transformation from her black clothing, into her princess dress which she wrote in the caption from Queen Crown UAE. This video had received 1.9 million views, over 200 thousand likes, and 1500 comments. She then uploaded a carrousel of her twirling around a pretty happy birthday display surrounded by candles, and a family picture including her parents all in contrasting black. Influencers who attended Raghad Fahmi’s birthday included Mo Vlogs, Layla Akil, and Baneen Stars to name but a few.
With 3.7 million followers now on her Instagram profile, stay up-to-date with everything Raghad is doing by following her page or by subscribing to our newsletter below for the latest news.