The websites that faced issues include Twitch, Pinterest, HBO Max, Al Jazeera and Bloomberg.
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Clubhouse beta-launches its Android app
Is the Clubhouse Android app available in your country? Click to find out.
Twitter to Launch New Monetization Features for Creators
The ‘Super Follows’ Feature will charge users to get exclusive access to higher-quality content.
Elon Musk’s Dogecoin Tweets SkyRocket Currency 35% in Mass Twitter Poll
Musk is just one example of how celebrities and social media influence the market more than we think.
People Who Are Showing Off Their Curves In The #SilhouetteChallenge On Social Media Have Had A Serious Invasion Of Privacy
The Silhouette Challenge is blowing up on TikTok, Twitter, and beyond in January 2021. It consists of videos where someone shows off the silhouette of their body in a doorway with red lighting.
Kylie Claps Back At The Shade About Her Shower Head
Kylie Jenner had been roasted over her shower’s “weak” water pressure in her luxury bathroom until she hit back with a response.
TikTok account POCRepublicans is under fire after screenshots of their content went viral on Twitter, without the context of knowing it is satire
New Analytics Element Added onto TikTok’s Creator Marketplace
Marketers on TikTok will be taking in this new feature with open arms
This vending machine lets you buy likes for your Instagram
Just when you think you’ve seen it all…
Facebook Wants You To Prove You Are Not A Bot
And they might lock you out of your account if you can’t!