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Hot dog and bologna.

Saif Shawaf released the tune that made him go viral on TikTok as a song. The catchy tune began irreverently, as a call and response with his friends; “chicken wing, chicken wing? Hot dog and bologna. Chicken and macaroni. Chillin’ with my homies.” The silly lyrics were originally part of another viral video. But, the song quickly became a viral hit, with thousands of people dancing to the catchy tune, with a surprising depth of rhythmic and lyrical composure. Shaqaf’s addition of the drums and percussion to the song added a unique signature that brought people to their feet dancing and re-recording their version of the video.


Chicken Wing Arab Zaffe w/ @asaladabke What would @bellapoarch do if she finds this? 👁👄👁 Reply to @ritashyli #chickenwing #goviral #zaffe #arab

♬ Chicken Wing Arab Zaffe by Saif Shawaf X Asaladabk – Saif

Shawaf does Zafeh performance, and recorded the song with his friends, with no expectation of it becoming viral. The Zafeh is a live procession of music and dance, and a traditional part of wedding celebrations. Its uniqueness adds flavor and an authentic touch to a bride a groom’s special day, according to Al-Arz. Now, after it’s become a widely known song, he’s released it, with additional verses and ad libs. The viral reception of the song has shared Zafeh with many people in the world, who weren’t aware of the catchy and fun beats that are insatiable dance hits.