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India’s first meta-influencer hits 100k followers on Instagram

Virtual influencers taking over social media.


The first question is why? Why are people so intrigued or interested in a virtual “person” or “influencer.” The term influencer is changing rapidly and the questions we should be asking are what defines an influencer now?


Mumbai-based virtual influencer Kyra, just hit 100 thousand followers on her Instagram profile just a few days ago. The influencer, with just 22 posts, thanked her followers with a caption saying ‘I could have never imagined so many people would choose to follow me when I started. The last 5 months have been a beautiful chaotic journey. Thank you to all those who have joined me on this ride 🥰 Watch this space as there is still a lot more to come. -Love, K 💕

Kyra embosses the lifestyle of a typical influencer. Her contemporary, short-haired look, style, and everyday life are that of a lifestyle influencer. Kyra posts fashion looks in western and Indian clothing, as well as posting mirror selfies, evening looks, airport-style (with her face mask on), yoga techniques, and currently we can see she’s on holiday enjoying the beach life.

Her bio reads Dream chaser, model and traveler which is what we have an essence of so far from her profile. The meta-influencer also has her own YouTube channel based on the videos on her Instagram. With only 417 subscribers, we can imagine the influencer creating more personalised videos for her YouTube that is different from her Instagram channel.


Unfortunately, we do not have an answer for this. It is something that is completely new, and different, and maybe followers are curious cats, wanting to know what meta-influencers will do next. What are your thoughts?


Meta Kira is UAE’s first virtual model according to her Instagram bio. Although the model is in her micro-influencer phase with 1,125 followers, her content is still engaging. Kira takes pictures of real-life people and has her own digital clothing with the link in her bio.

Zaira, is another metaverse influencer who is catching up to Kyra with 98 thousand followers on Instagram. Zaira has 15 posts that look very futuristic and again, very engaging with other “blue tick” influencers commenting and liking her posts.


With influencer marketing becoming a huge billion-dollar business that is looking to be around $16.4 billion dollars this year (Influencer Marketing Hub), this may be where the money is coming from – meta-influencers. If Influencer Marketing is a numbers game and looks at engagement, then it may be time for influencer marketing agencies to raise their game and look at getting virtual influencers signed onto their books.

What do you think about meta-influencers? Let us know on social media.

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