American footballer Tom Brady was recorded tossing a ball from his yacht and hitting MrBeast’s drone into the sea.
MrBeast, known for his crazy stunts, challenges, selfless work, and of course the most popular social media content creator on YouTube, shocked everyone with his latest video. Trending as number #1 online, MrBeast recorded a video showing his audience what a 1 billion golden yacht looks like.
As he does a tour of all of the yachts, from $1 to $1,000,000,000, he stops on one yacht owned by celebrity footballer Tom Brady.
Tom Brady shows the YouTuber around his yacht before MrBeast says “I want to see if you can hit my drone out of the sky.” In true MrBeast style, he had to include a challenge in his video, and everyone stopped to see what Brady would do.
Brady responded to MrBeast saying “If I hit it with one try, maybe I should come out of retirement.” His daughter, who didn’t have much confidence in him, said “Dad, you’re going to miss.” Everyone watched over to see whether or not Brady was able to hit the drone, and surprisingly (or not so surprising), he did it in one shot.
MrBeast now has 159 million subscribers (and counting), with 740 videos that are currently up and one trending video right now.
Watch the full video here that everyone else is watching and let us know what you think of it by tweeting us @itpliveme.
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