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From Fitness Influencer to Millionaire CEO, British Influencer Grace Beverley Adds Published Author to her Skillset

Beverley reveals the front cover of her new book to fans on Instagram.

From Fitness Influencer to Millionaire CEO, British Influencer Grace Beverley Adds Published Author to her Skillset

Grace Beverley is the latest influencer to become a published author. In an update posted to her Instagram on February 3, 2021 – Beverley reveals the front cover of her much-anticipated book titled Working Hard, Hardly Working: how to achieve more, stress less, and feel fulfilled.

Beverley writes:

“It’s cover reveal time! (Swipe for a teeny excerpt too) 

6 months post announcement, the book is written, proofs are in print & each day I experience sudden lurches of equal parts terror and excitement as we approach publication on 15th April – yay!

As I sat down to pitch this book a year ago now, I knew I wanted to write something actionable and true to myself and my ‘methods’, but also real, thoughtful and actually useful to answer the questions I get around purpose, productivity, balance. I so didn’t want the book to be a ‘how to be Grace’ or ‘how to be all hustle no rest’ – I wanted it to start a conversation on the new working world: the world of hyper-comparison, interconnectivity, constant hustle and being sold the superiority of having a ‘purpose’ that needs to be both hyper-fulfilling AND hyper-lucrative”. 

In an effort to ignite a conversation on the new way people work –  Beverley’s book helps others identify their purpose and become their own boss. Moreover, it addresses topics ranging from societal pressure and how to deal with it to self-worth and its link to productivity. Ultimately, the social media star invites readers to have an honest conversation with themselves about their wants, needs, and desires in order to become the best and most successful versions of themselves.

It is also important to note that Beverley’s own journey from social media star to CEO adds a unique layer of authority to her book. Beverley – who is 23 years old – started out as a fitness influencer on Instagram.  After amassing millions of dedicated followers – Beverley went on to conceptualize and launch 2 successful brands whilst still studying at Oxford University. A featured personality on  Forbes’ 30 under 30 list, Beverley now devotes most of her time to running her businesses, while actively using her socials to promote them. 

Beverley’s personal journey will be a key component to the book’s forecasted success. Moreover, it will undeniably serve as a huge inspiration to young people interested in following a similar path.