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You Can Now Post Instagram Stories From the Mobile Web

Don’t Have Access to The App? You Can Now Post Stories Via Mobile Web Browser…

You Can Now Post Instagram Stories From the Mobile Web

Instagram is working hard to ensure everyone has access to its Stories feature – including its users in developing countries.

Instagrammers are now able to add to their Stories via their mobile device’s web browser. In the past, mobile web users could only view Instagram Stories on their browser. If a user wanted to upload content, they would have to access the Stories feature on the app. Now, they can directly upload images via their smartphone’s web browser to their respective story.

And what about adding a filter or stickers? Unfortunately, this new feature only allows users to put overlay text on an image. Filters, stickers, polls, and uploading video via a mobile web browsers aren’t available yet. For the time being, this new feature is pretty basic.

So . . .  Why are we so excited about it?

Many Instagram users in the developing world don’t have access to the native Instagram app. The costs of data might prevent them from downloading it or their devices might not support it. Therefore, the company is looking for accessible ways to connect with this user base and develop popularity surrounding this Insta-feature within these regions.

We’re betting the company is hoping that this new mobile web feature will give Instagram a popularity boost in emerging markets. And with Snapchat starting to focus their efforts in these regions (with little past success), Instagram is hot on their heels.

Instagram has recently been making a big push to accommodate all of its users, wherever they are in the world.

In addition to making its platform more user friendly for individuals in developing countries, the Instagram app is also now available in Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew on Android phones.

Pretty exciting stuff for users around the world.