Ever wish you could scribble, draw or write over your friends’ Instagram photos? You’re in luck!
There’s just one catch: you can only doodle on images your friends (or followers) send you in a direct message. Instagram feeds and public posts are off limits.
Just be aware that once you’ve remixed a friend’s image by drawing on it, they can go ahead and draw on top of that remixed picture if they want. After all, it’s only fair.
Another new feature Instagram has added is letting its users control replays on DMed photos.
If you only want your friends to see your image once, you can choose “One View”. Alternatively, you can allow your friends to view you images more than once by choosing the looping “Allow Replay” option.
Instagram has really been stepping up their game lately and adding in loads of new features, like letting users join their friends on Instagram Live. Being able to remix your friends’ images might be gimmicky, but we’re sure some users will have a lot of fun with it.
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.
Photo credit: Instagram