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Instagram Is Testing A New Feature That Will Alert Users If You Screenshot Their Stories

Here are a few sneaky ways to get around it…

Instagram Is Testing A New Feature That Will Alert Users If You Screenshot Their Stories

Instagram stalkers, take note…

Our favourite photo-sharing app is making some major changes to its Stories feature.

Instagram is testing a feature that will notify users whenever someone screenshots or screen records an image or video in their Story.

The photo-sharing app will “tattle” on you by placing a star-shaped icon next to your handle, if you screenshot a Story image or video clip.

When a user swipes up to see who’s viewed their Insta-Stories, all they have to do is look for the star icon to see who has screenshotted their Story.

The good news is, if this new feature is a go, Instagram will give you a one-time warning before informing the Story’s creator. When you attempt to take a picture of another user’s Story, a notification will pop up to alert you that, next time, the user will be aware of your screenshot.

Think twice now before you snap a pic of someone else’s Insta-Story. 

As usual, when a new feature is implemented, Netizens will take to Twitter to voice their frustrations…

According to The Next Web if you change your phone’s settings to flight mode, Instagram (supposedly) won’t notice it if you screenshot someone’s Story. And another way to get around it is to use Story Reposter, to pull off the same trick.

Either way this shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to Insta-fans. Snapchat notifies its users when someone snaps a pic of their Snap-Story, so it makes sense that Instagram would adopt a similar feature. 

What are your thoughts on Instagram “snitching” on users that screenshot other users’ Stories? Let us know in the comments below…