Insta fans, we’ve got news for you!
Over the coming weeks users will be able to mute posts from accounts, without unfollowing or blocking them.
That’s right, you will soon be able to ignore your friends without blocking them on the ‘gram.
This change makes it easier for Insta users to personalize their feeds, based on what they want to see – and allows them to stop viewing content they want to avoid.
Muting Vs. Blocking: What’s The Difference?
When a user mutes another account they will still be able to see posts on that account’s profile page, and will be notified about comments or posts they’re tagged in. And the account that has been “muted” will be unaware their content has been silenced.
Essentially, muting someone on Instagram is a way from taking a break from viewing their content in your feed. It’s a perfect solution for those acquaintances you can’t block/unfollow, but are no longer interested in viewing their annoying selfies.
How Does Instagram’s New Mute Feature Work?
If a user comes across a post in their feed that they want to mute, all the need to do is tap the three dots next to the account’s handle. They can then select the option to “Mute Posts”.
Unmuting an account is also fairly simple. If a user has decided they want to see their friend’s posts again, all they need to do is go to the account profile and tap “Unmute posts”.
Will you use Instagrams new Mute feature? Let us know in the comments below.