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Facebook Wants To Help You Avoid TV Spoilers In Your News Feed

You will soon be able to shield yourself with the help of Keyword Snooze

Facebook Wants To Help You Avoid TV Spoilers In Your News Feed

Missed an episode of Love Island?

You may as well avoid every single social media platform on the web, unless you want to risk finding out what happened on last night’s show.

Jokes aside it’s pretty annoying coming across a spoiler online, especially when you least expect it on your favourite social network.

Apparently, Facebook agrees and is now testing a new feature to help you avoid any TV or movie spoilers on the social networking platform.

“Even though we work to show you the most relevant posts on News Feed, we don’t always get it right. That’s why we’ve designed features like See First, Hide, Unfollow, Snooze, and now, Keyword Snooze,” Facebook said, in a recent press release. 

Users could also use the feature if they were trying to avoid certain trending topics, such as the birth of a reality star’s baby or a high-profile wedding. 

While Facebook is just in the beginning stages of testing this feature, users can expect to see it in the upper right-hand corner of the News Feed controls once it’s live. 

Sounds like a great idea. We sure can’t wait for this one to be rolled out…

Would you use the Keyword Snooze feature? Let us know in the comments below.