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Google’s game entitled “Slavery Simulator” or “Simulador de Escravidão,” which gave players options to buy and sell enslaved Black characters has received backlash in Brazil by social media users and was taken down from Google’s app store last Wednesday after facing controversial response for over a month.
Developed by Magnus Games, the game was launched on Google’s Play Store on April 20 and was downloaded over 1000 times in a period of one month. On Wednesday, Brazil’s Public Prosecutor’s Office started an investigation into the game and asked for reasons why such a racist game was made available in the first place.
Google’s Slavery Simulator Game

Google’s ‘Slavery Simulator’ game portrays what the South American nation looked like in the 1600s, had a Portuguese colony, and was a major hub of the Atlantic slave trade. The whole premise of this game was to use the accumulated wealth to buy, sell, and punish enslaved people.
“Choose one of two goals at the beginning of the slave owner simulator – the Path of the Tyrant or the Path of the Liberator. Become a wealthy slave owner or achieve the abolition of slavery. Everything is in your hands,” the game’s description read.
In one of the modes offered to players, the game said, “Use slaves for your own enrichment. Prevent the abolition of slavery and accumulate wealth.”
How could such a game be presented to the users, how did it even get launched? Netizens fumed with anger and disappointment in Google and lawmakers were stunned at the neglect and ignorance of the digital giant.
Google says, “We have a robust set of policies that are designed to keep users safe and that all developers must follow. We don’t allow apps that promote violence or incite hatred against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, or that depict or promote gratuitous violence or other dangerous activities. Anyone who believes they have found an app that violates our rules can file a report. When we identify a policy violation, we take appropriate action”.
Google Faces Backlash in Brazil
“It’s inhumane, disgusting, and appalling. IT’S CRIMINAL,” says Orlando Silva, a Portuguese federal lawmaker in his tweet.
🚨URGENTE! DENÚNCIA CHOCANTE! A Play Store, loja de aplicativos do Android, tem um "jogo" chamado SIMULADOR DE ESCRAVIDÃO, no qual a "brincadeira" consiste em comprar, vender, açoitar pessoas negras escravizadas. É desumano, nojento, estarrecedor. É CRIMINOSO! 👇🏿
— Orlando Silva (@orlandosilva) May 24, 2023
A @unegrobrasil…
“The normalization of violence against Black people is so wide, that then things like this used to happen. But why now?” Levi Kaique Ferreira, an influencer activist, and professor, wrote on Twitter.
“Our country was built with the blood of the Black population. People were killed, and tortured. A “Slavery Simulator” is not a theme for games,” lawmaker Denise Pessoa posted on Twitter.
We condemn Slavery Simulator
— cheung shan (@cheungshan5) May 27, 2023
JLIAACEA (Hong Kong)
27 May 2023
Slavery Simulator is a game in the web. In the game, players can sell, buy and torture slaves.
The game violates humanity and can bring negative consequences to players.
Twitter was flooded with criticism and backlash all over Brazil, and a request for ‘specific information about the game’ was made from Google. A great number of racist comments were identified on the Google Gaming Platform and action was needed.
The game has been taken down by Google Play on Wednesday after it first popped up on the app marketplace on April 20. But now it’s at the center of several complaints — and a wave of backlash that has reignited a debate about regulation in digital spaces.
There is a dire need for digital giants to be cautious about what they are bringing to the world and for regulations in place for the digital spaces to put a latch on the companies, fix their broken lenses, and hold them accountable for the damage they do culturally.
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