In many sources online, Sam Chui is known as the Godfather of Aviation Geekdom. If you want to expand your knowledge of aviation or are interested in the subject, Sam’s videos educate everyone through edutainment, engaging videos on his YouTube channel.
With 3.09M subscribers, Sam is the most influential social media icon when it comes to airlines and aviation, visiting undiscovered places in the world on different airlines that high flyers would love to experience. He has flown over 200 airlines and over 150 aircraft types documenting everything for us along the way. The influencer has also written four books including Air1, Air2, Air3, and Air747 which all align with his devotion to aviation. The series of books have a different narrative of aviation for people who want to be involved in finding out more about the subject professionally or as a hobby.
In one of Sam Chui’s videos, he flew with Chrono Aviation B737-200 Classic from Montreal to the Canadian Arctic north to experience the flight operation and landing on a snow-covered gravel runway. The most click-worthy video received 2.1M views as we get to see what goes on inside an aircraft when it’s time for lift-off and landing.
Imagine driving your car in snow and how slow you have to travel in order not to skid. Now, think what it would be like to brake when you’re traveling on transportation that carries up to 120 passengers and holds up to 30500 pounds of cargo. Interesting right?
In the video, we see how intense the video will be in the beginning part of the trailer when the airline is about to land. We as the viewer are taken on a journey first by taking a tour of the airline and finding out all the technical parts of how it will take off and land on snow/gravel. We are immediately taken to the front of the jet to see the pilot’s view of what it is like to lift off and land. It is exciting to watch as a viewer who hasn’t any experience in being a pilot, and see how it feels or what the pilot can see at the most crucial time of a flight.
Whether or not you are interested in aviation or flying, this video is an engaging watch, showing just what it is like to be at the forefront of such a popular airline and travel in extreme conditions. To watch the video, click the link below and let us know your thoughts by tweeting us @itpliveme.
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