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Auto marketers using Snapchat?
Previously recognized as a platform mostly used by younger users, Snap is now pitching itself to companies in other product categories, such as auto dealers, who it claims can access a captive, interested audience through the app.
That’s according to a new poll conducted by Snap on behalf of Kantar, which collected responses from more than 2,000 Snap users between the ages of 18 and 49 to learn more about the influence the app has played in their decision to buy automatically.
And the outcomes are not entirely predictable.

Data Analysis
First off, according to the data, 1.5 times as many Snapchatters as non-Snapchatters are actively looking for a car, with 54% of Snap users indicating that they plan to buy or lease a vehicle within the next year.
“A significant proportion of these users are employed with higher incomes compared to their counterparts on other platforms, making Snapchat a fertile ground for premium and luxury auto brands. With a strong interest across various vehicle types, including SUVs, sedans, and luxury vehicles, there’s a notable preference for alternative fuel types, such as EVs, PHEVs, and HEVs among Snapchatters.”
Additionally, 63% of potential vehicle buyers using the app are likely to find, investigate, weigh, or even buy a car after seeing brand material on the platform, according to Kantar’s study. Additionally, 92% of Snap “Auto Intenders” are likely to take action after seeing auto content on the platform.
AR contribution to Snapchat

The study also examined the potential impact of augmented reality (AR) on the search and acquisition of automobiles, finding that 64% of Snap Auto Intenders were more likely to visit a physical dealership after interacting with AR content on the application.
These are some intriguing findings that might suggest fresh directions for auto marketers and bring attention to a different aspect of their potential audience that you might not have thought of.
Pinterest as well?
Additionally, since Pinterest has made auto brands aware of its potential, there may be more opportunities on other platforms outside of your current purview.
Worth taking into account when planning for 2024.
You can read Snapchat and Kantar’s full study findings here.
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