Snapchat has launched their latest hub within Snap Ads Manager called “Campaign Lab’. The Campaign Lab aims to help brands analyse their Snapchat ad campaigns performance by creating new split tests.
Snapchat made the announcement on July 29 highlighting the new Campaign Lab section that will feature new insights, reports, actions and learning agendas for advertisers:
“We’re excited to announce Campaign Lab, a new section within Ads Manager where advertisers can easily set up and act on scientific campaign experimentation in a completely self-serve way. It includes actions, insights, and learning agendas to help you understand where to start your tests, form hypotheses, identify what’s working, and take action accordingly to inform your campaign strategy.”
The Campaign lab section features an Experiments tab wherein brands can create and view multiple split tests that will be directly linked to Snapchat’s Advanced Create flow. Moreover, the ‘Learning Center’ and ‘Recommendations’ sections will provide brands with new targeted ideas.