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5 of the most important social media laws in the UAE

Fines for up to DH1 Million for disobeying social media laws in the UAE.

Social media

Influencers in the UAE must know the social media rules and regulations before posting on any online app. By disobeying the law, you risk up to a Dh1 million fine and imprisonment. We list 5 of the most important social media laws that you should educate yourself on.

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5 most important social media laws:

  1. Refrain from making insulting or offensive posts which defame Islam or any other recognised religions. By Article 37 of the UAE Cybercrime Law, such crimes may attract imprisonment of up to seven years and penalties ranging from Dh250,000 to DH1 million.

  2. Refrain from posting any content which is harmful to women or children, such as human trafficking, pornography, prostitution, and acts against public morality. By Article 32 to Article 34 of the UAE Cybercrime law, such as offenses may attract imprisonment ranging from one to five years and penalties from Dh250,000 to DH1 million.

  3. Refrain from posting any content against the government or government departments, the ruling regime, symbols, the political system of the UAE, and any other countries. By provisions of Article 20 to Article 28 of the UAE Cybercrime Law, such offenses are considered very serious.

  4. Refrain from posting photographs, videos, or comments on social media platforms that invade someone’s privacy and personal life. Following Article 44 of the UAE Cybercrime Law, such offenses may attract imprisonment of at least six months and penalties from Dh150,000 to Dh500,000.

  5. Refrain from posting against the culture and heritage of the UAE, rumors, and false news. Don’t disclose confidential matters related to government or criminal investigations or advertisements that violate prevailing laws and public morals.

Contact us at if you would like any more advice or information on the social media laws above.

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