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The Arab world has a rich artistic heritage that spans centuries. Today, this region is home to a vibrant contemporary art scene that is gaining recognition on a global scale. In recent years, many Arab artists have been making waves on social media platforms, showcasing their work and building a dedicated following of fans and admirers.
In this article, we will take a closer look at 6 Arab artists who are worth following on social media platforms in 2023. These artists represent a diverse range of styles and mediums, from calligraphy to painting, sculpture, and mixed media. Each one of them brings a unique perspective and artistic vision to the world of contemporary art.
Mariam ElReweny
Mariam El Reweny is a multimedia artist who specializes in painting, drawing, and printmaking. Her work explores themes of identity, feminism, and the human condition. She has exhibited her work in galleries across Egypt and has gained recognition for her unique style and thought-provoking content.
Ghada Amer
Ghada Amer is an Egyptian-born artist who is based in New York. Her work often focuses on themes of feminism and gender. She is best known for her embroidered paintings and sculptures, which often feature female figures.
Mohamed Alba
Mohamed Abla is a painter and printmaker who is known for his colorful and whimsical images of everyday life in Egypt. His work often incorporates traditional motifs and patterns, as well as modern pop culture references.
EL Seed is a French-Tunisian street artist who is best known for his large-scale murals that blend Arabic calligraphy with contemporary graffiti. His work can be seen in cities around the world, from Paris to Dubai, and his Instagram feed offers a glimpse into his creative process and behind-the-scenes photos of his installations. He has over 160k followers on Instagram.
Noor AlSuwaidi
Noor Al Suwaidi is a talented Emirati artist who has been making waves in the art world with her intricate calligraphy and mixed media works. Her art is influenced by her background in Islamic art and architecture, as well as her personal experiences growing up in the UAE. Through her art, Al Suwaidi seeks to bridge cultural divides and showcase the beauty of Islamic art to a wider audience. In this article, we will take a closer look at the life and work of Noor Al Suwaidi, and explore why she is one of the most exciting artists to emerge from the United Arab Emirates in recent years.
Ahmed Mater
Ahmed Mater is a Saudi artist and physician who is known for his multimedia installations that explore themes of identity, memory, and tradition. His Instagram feed offers a glimpse into his creative process, including behind-the-scenes photos of his installations and exhibitions. He has over 13k followers on the platform.
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