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Computer generates ‘perfect’ AI man & woman on the planet created by social media data

The data was analysed by a super-computer and these were the results…

World's most perfect man and woman created using computer-generated AI

Computer-generated images of AI men and women noting them as the most fanciable people on the planet. This came as a result of calculating data taken from social media algorithms of the most liked pictures and best user-rated images on Instagram and Twitter. 14 countries were involved in the experiment including UK, China, and India.

Ideal British man and woman imagined by AI

Results of the AI

Midjourney, a San Francisco machine learning firm was commissioned by the cosmetics film NordChem to produce the set of images. One of the common denominators of each of the images from different nationalities were the chiseled jaws and moody looks from the men, similar to the women but adding the long hair and wide eyes.

A South African woman and man created by AI

‘As a health and beauty brand, we’re always looking to understand what beautiful looks like to our customers,’ said Samantha Haines, NordChem Health & Beauty’s marketing manager to a news source.

‘While to us, beauty means so much more than how someone looks, the style of their hair, or even the size of their muscles, this AI is an incredible tool that gives us an insight into commonly held perceptions of beauty and perfection in a variety of countries around the world.’

A Chinese woman and man generated by AI

Future of AI images

It is unknown whether the AI computer/machine has any plans to create a gallery of the most admired or “perfect” faces, however, it could be something they can work on with ChatGPT!

An Indian woman and man created by AI

What do you think of the “perfect” AI person? Let us know by tweeting us @itpliveme.

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