We have heard of university classes shifting from in person lectures to online lectures. Similar has happened with corporate offices during the peak of the pandemic. While Influencers often don’t feel the need to work from an office – incase you do, here are some tips to maintain a healthy hybrid work system.
Create a Schedule
Without a structured workday, time can get away from you. You might find that you start shifting your workdays later and later as you sip an extra cup of coffee. Then, your work hours extend later into the evenings, which causes you to stay up later at night.
Getting that beauty sleep for an Influencer – or well anyone is very important!

Establish a Dedicated Workspace
You might be tempted to work in bed. After all, it’s likely the most comfortable space in the house. But when you associate your bed with work, it can interfere with your sleep. And trouble sleeping will affect your performance the following day. Most sleep experts recommend reserving your bed for sleeping only.
So even though your bed might feel like a comfortable spot, create a workspace somewhere else. The kitchen table or a desk in the corner of the living room might be better alternatives to your bedroom.

Work in Small Blocks of Time
Blocking out small amounts of time and planning what you’ll do during that timeframe can make big tasks feel more manageable.
Limit Distractions and Interruptions
You might find that you struggle to get back on task each time you’re interrupted. You can stay motivated by limiting the distractions and interruptions you experience.
This may mean muting your phone notifications and only checking your email once an hour. Or placing your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ until you complete a specific task.
Practice the ’10-Minute Rule’
It can be hard to convince yourself to start working on a task you really don’t want to do. Whether you know it’s going to be boring, frustrating, or just really challenging, convincing yourself to get started is tough.
One of the best ways to get moving on something you don’t want to do is by using the ’10-minute rule.’ Tell yourself that you only have to work on something for 10 minutes – then after the 10-minute mark, you can take a break if you want.

Reward yourself
You might find you work best when you know there’s a little reward waiting for you. For example, tell yourself you can watch your favorite show if you get your work done by 6 PM. Tell yourself you can have a cup of your favorite tea as soon as you finish this report! Self-motivation is key.
Follow @itp.live for more such tips and tricks.