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TikTok’s $2M Investment Plan Revealed: How to Get Funded

Celebrating Next Generation Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses this ‘National Small Business Week’

TikTok for Small Businesses

TikTok is celebrating National Small Business Week with small businesses. Helping SMBs and Gen-Z entrepreneurs to create an impact, drive real business results, and share their stories to Inspire, Aspire, and Empower. The latest announcements reveal that TikTok will be hosting a four-weeklong web series and funding $ 1 million each for Hispanic Heritage Foundation and Black Girl Ventures.

In alignment with its vision to build an inclusive and supportive platform, TikTok has been working on connecting culture, community, education, and businesses. Considering the key elements for TikTok’s survival in the US and fighting the ban from across the world due to national security concerns, SMBs are like a “Surviving Kit” for TikTok to push its presence in the US.

TikTok TakeOff Series

The new dynamic workshop series, TikTok TakeOff is offering a platform for inspiring stories and valuable tips for success to nearly 5 million businesses including young entrepreneurs. Giving the spotlight to some highly innovative SMBs, who will further share their success stories with businesses of every size like animal lovers, gardening enthusiasts, etc. because every business matters.

Invest in the Hispanic Heritage Foundation

We have seen Latin small businesses and entrepreneurs fueling their livelihoods through storytelling and innovative ideas on TikTok. In order to support them build a community for business and education, TikTok has come forward with a funding of $1 Million with their renewed focus on empowering these young Latin entrepreneurs.

Funds Black Girl Ventures

Black Girl Ventures is a community for like-minded innovative women founders creating access to capital for Black and Brown women across the country. TikTok is focused on partnering with them by investing $1 Million to support BGVs expansive community and helping them with entrepreneurship guidelines, education, leadership development, networking platform, and growth opportunities in order to build their market. A market without any cultural barriers.

Sparking creativity by promoting small business owners and like-minded entrepreneurs, TikTok is featuring various industries and their stars. Whether it is Food & Beverage Industry, Music, Skincare, Home & Living, or Media, these TikTok small business owners, and innovative thinkers are showcasing their talent on a daily basis.

TikTok’s usage and engagement weren’t like the ongoing concerns for the platform owners considering its popularity among the US users which was over 80 million monthly users. TikTok recently announced it’s third annual ‘TikTok World’ event on 9th May 2023 where it will exchange insights into the latest product developments, ad tools, and other content creator options along with strategic ideas on how to grow your presence on TikTok.

Expanding their “Creativity Programs” and providing monetizing opportunities to these young thinkers and creators is an innovative strategy from the TikTok community to uplift their tone and vision to make an inclusive, diversified, and creative community to help each other.

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