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Twitter adds Hashtag Discovery to help engagement

For a better community and engagement growth, read Twitters new development.


Twitter has added a new display for the top hashtags used in each of the group-like communities. Once clicking on the hashtags, you will be automatically transferred through to relevant tweets around the chosen topics for you to discover more about that subject.

This will encourage more engagement within Twitter Communities enhancing your social media experience.

What are Twitter Communities?

Having launched the initiative last year in September, the Communities page creates a tighter place for people to discover more about the subject they are interested in. It merges both Facebook groups and Reddit to see how Twitter can develop interaction through a tweet.

There are barriers in Communities however, as you were either had an invite-only requires or open to all. If you knew someone in the Communities page already then you would be able to get let in, and if you clicked on the open to all option, then groups would be filled with spam making users retract from wanting to use it again.

Twitter now has the ‘request to join’ option because of the black-lash the invite only and open to all had on the engagement of using Communities. Now, community admins can accept or decline whether they would like to have that person in their group to make it more security protected and manage the spam.

With Twitter experimenting with its Communities page, it is open to discovering and exploring the new space. Have you joined a Communities page? Let us know by tweeting us which one @itpliveme.

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