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Improve Your YouTube SEO with YouTube’s newest Tag Tool

It’s time to add another tool into your YouTube SEO tool belt.

Improve Your YouTube SEO with YouTube’s newest Tag Tool

Researching tags just got a whole lot easier for all you creators out there…

YouTube has a new extension incorporated into content creators’ and YouTube viewers’ process.

As this week Product Hunt has introduced and features a new Chrome tool entitled the “Tag Snag” which initially will extract the tags content creators on YouTube have added to their YouTube videos, according to Social Media Today.

This new tool is relatively straight to the point, when viewers are watching any YouTube video all they must do is click or tap on the Tag Snag icon and a list of the tags placed by the creator will come up.

Tag Snag will enable viewers to also extract the tags from multiple YouTube videos at the same time, according to the social media new website. For if viewers conduct the search and then use Tag Snag – with the option “Multiple Videos” option selected – the results will display a list of all the different tags used for the different videos.

This list of tags from the extension could help users and content creators establish an effective collection of tags that they should include in their YouTube videos, as it would be based on what tags the most popular videos in the market are using, according to Social Media Today.

Even though Tag Snag isn’t the first tool that extracts tags from videos, it is considerably easier than extracting the tags from the HTML code on YouTube Videos.

Add another tool onto your belt by downloading Tag Snag from Product Hunt here.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo Credit: Unsplash