4-year-old Kael Garbriel’s parents were stunned one morning after receiving a message from a friend living in Dubai. The friend had told them Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, had shared a video of Kael singing which was slowly going viral on Instagram.
Born and raised in the Philippines, Kael Lim already has 83.8K followers on his Instagram with only 64 posts, the majority of them being him singing his little heart out to popular songs. In an interview, Kael Lim’s mum said “The whole family was ecstatic upon seeing it and it is such an honor that he reposted it! It is also a very unforgettable experience for us.”
Kael had started singing at the age of two years when his father spotted how easily it was for Kael to pick up the tune of a song. In just a few days, he could memorise the whole song and hum the tune, which is why his parents wanted to build on his talent.
The family works together to record Kael singing and then editing his cuts for social media. Kael now has a Facebook page and YouTube channel where he regularly shows off his cute little voice for the world to hear. With the Crown Prince now alert to watching and listening to Kael’s videos, the little man has already become an international figure.
Kael has covered many songs from old classics to I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston and You Are the Reason by Callum Scott. As his passion for singing continuously grows, so does his following and image on social media.
Again, the power of social media recognises young talented individuals. With just one share by a royal family member, a 4-year-old’s life completely changes for the better. Although he may not know what impact this has on him and his family, he will when he is older and makes it on the top chart hits!
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