Superstar singer and former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger recently launched her new brand all over social media getting her fans and followers super excited!
Is it a clothing line? skincare line? makeup line? No! (Thank God), Nicole Scherzinger has thought about what she wants to launch and is doing something different – her own bedding line.
NALU is an Hawaiian word meaning surging surf, wave and pays homage to Nicole Scherzinger’s culture. The name of the brand fits with the comfort of her bedding as she builds on a storyline for her company.
Why should brands have a story?
A story is a great way of capturing the audiences’ heart. With something a s simple as bedding, Nicole has created a small but strong story connecting it the name with her culture and why it works so well with the brand. On her social media, Nicole promotes fitness, health and a strong mental state of mind and therefore having her own bedding line fits well with her “comfort is key” ethos.
Share it on TikTok
A good place for you to share your story of your brand is on TikTok. You can create a video of you packing up a product, showing a service or creating something with a voiceover of how it all began for you in the beginning. Everyone loves to hear where it all started and why you’re doing what you’re doing.
If you have a story, then great, if not, then think about what makes your brand personal to you or special to you. Be it through the name, the people who are involved or how the idea even came about, there will be a special moment that you can talk about with your audience.
Do you have a story to share with us about your brand? Let us know on
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