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Breaking News: Instagram Will Now Share Your Activity Status With Your Followers

So much for being stealthy…

Breaking News: Instagram Will Now Share Your Activity Status With Your Followers

Enjoy your privacy on Instagram?

You won’t be too happy to hear the photo-sharing app is now defaulting to showing your followers you activity status in its direct messaging feature.


That’s right, unless you go into your settings and turn off “Show Activity Status”, your followers will be able to see the last time you were active.

But there’s good news!

The new feature is easy to turn off. Simply tap the button, and your followers won’t be able the activity status of your account.

Keep in mind if you turn the feature off, you won’t be able to see the activity of others.

And don’t worry, if you choose to keep “Show Activity Status” on your crush won’t be able to tell if you’re Insta-stalking them. All the feature does is tell other users when you were last online.

As always some Instagrammers were not happy with the  feature. Users took to Twitter to express their frustrations, as always always do…

Either way, the good news “Show Activity Status” is easy to disable.

Thank goodness!

How do you feel about the new feature? Will you keep it on or disable it? Let us know in the comments below…