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How To Manage Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat Stories

How to do it without doubling your workload

How To Manage Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat Stories

It’s exciting (yet sometimes stressful) times for social media fans.

As our favourite platforms continously roll out new features, it can be hard to keep up with uploading content to multiple accounts. While some users decide to stick it out on just one platform, anyone trying to develop an audience on social media should make an effort to share content across a variety of social media platforms. 

Throughout the past few years, Story features have become increasingly popular across every major platform: Facebook, Instagram and, of course, Snapchat (they invented the Story).

But what brands and content creators don’t realize is they don’t need to sacrifice Instagram over Snapchat (and vice versa), in order to keep the workload under control. 

The idea of managing two or three “Story” accounts might seem daunting, but with a bit of planning it can be easy to manage.

Here’s how to manage Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat Stories without feeling overwhelemed. 

Cross-Post Across All Platforms

Many influencers choose to upload the same content across both platforms. This is the easiest way to ensure both audiences are viewing your Story content, without increasing your workload.

Firstly, upload all of your Story content into Snapchat (or Snap it directly in the app). Save your Snaps, before exporting it to your smartphone’s camera roll. Log into Instagram, and upload your Story images and video into Instagram Stories (from your cameral roll). Once your Stories are uploaded to Instagram, us the in-app feature to post them to your Facebook Stories.

It sounds simple enough, but keep in mind some features may not transfer well between the two apps. And if you want to add in hashtags or tag someone, you will still need to manually do it in Instagram Stories’ “Edit” feature.

Overall, this is the most straightforward way to upload content across both platforms consistently.

Upload Different Types of Content To Different Platform

This would work well for an influencer that might have their own business, or a company looking to feature their products and brand in different ways.

Use the Story platform with the most followers to “sell” services or products (and include a swipe-up link to the website) and the other to connect with your audience.

For example one Story platform could showcase new products to followers, while the other would features daily vlogs or behind-the-scenes imagery.

Isn’t this technically doubling the workload? No.

It forces an influencer or company to categorize their content, before uploading it onto a Story platform (this is where a social media strategy comes into play…)

Alternate Between Platforms

Alternate between Story platforms and be vocal about it to your audience. Let your Snapchat followers know when you’re posting on Instagram stories and vice versa.

While, this doesn’t necessarily reduce the amount of work between Story platforms, but it will give both audiences a chance to catch you (and your content) wherever you’re uploading.

Some influencers are really good at doing this. They will show their Snapchat followers when they received a parcel from a brand and tell them to head on over to Instagram Stories, if they want to watch them unbox it. This method definitely minimizes the cross-platform workload, and gives your audience a chance to follow and interact with your content on a new account.

Overall, this can be an excellent method for encouraging followers from one platform to follow you on another.

How do you manage your Stories across multiple platforms? What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.