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James Charles calls out Logan Paul for photoshopping his billboard out of an Instagram photo

Charles commented on the photo posted to Paul’s Instagram

James Charles calls out Logan Paul for photoshopping his billboard out of an Instagram photo

James Charles has called out fellow Influencer/Vlogger Logan Paul for photoshopping a billboard featuring his face out of Paul’s latest Instagram photo.

Charles comment on the photo, “YOU DID NOT BLUR OUT MY BILLBOARD BEHIND HIM OMFG” even racked up over 11,000 likes. 

Paul then added a screenshot to his story, admitting he edited the photo because he thought no one would notice.

He then continued with a statement,”Full transparency: two influencer billboards on one street is two influencer billboards too many and I didn’t think @jamescharles would notice that we erased his billboard via Photoshop,” he wrote. “But he did and now I feel bad.”

Following the drama, Paul then tweeted the non-photoshopped version of the photo with the captop,”I fixed it.”

Do you think there’s more to this drama than they both led on?

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