In a global study, evaluating 5,000 people under the category of Gen Z, revealed new trends that motivate them to stay engaged with brands, build deeper connections and the importance of AR to stay relevant.
Last year, a study carried out by Snapchat, highlighted that those 13+, also referenced as the ‘Snapchat generation’ possess $4.4 trillion in spending power.
However, this year, Snapchat took a deeper look into ‘the shifts Snapchatters and Gen Zs are leading in how we communicate, connect, and consume’.
Their study distinguishes 4 primary areas that tend to make up the characteristics and values of the Gen Z generation, and these are:
- Identity
- Communication
- Commerce
- Connection

The Digital Generation
Members of Gen Z are able to seamlessly move between the digital and physical world, and have been the driving force between prompting businesses to create immersive experiences in a very tech-saturated society.
The 2022 Snap study revealed that ‘93% of those surveyed in the UK stating they are interested in using AR for shopping, with 88% interested in using AR to try on makeup or clothes’.
What does this mean for brands?
By uncovering the multi-faceted areas of importance to this generation, it is evident that they seek more personalized, fun and entertaining commerce experiences.
Key findings that support this from the study concluded that ‘80% of Gen Z are interested in using AR to enhance their entertainment experiences (vs 73% of Millennials and 65% of Gen X)’.
Brands must redefine the traditional ways that people shop and shift towards incorporating Augmented Reality tools as a way to bridge the gap between building a more digitally-enhanced experience in the real world.

Brands must build deeper connections with their consumers
Another eye-opening finding of the study depicts the extent in which Gen Z values close relationships.
It was found that 3 out of 4 agreed that ‘connecting with close friends is the simplest way for them to feel happier’ and that this was actually further fueled by the Pandemic as more people seek spending time in person, as a result.
Through the app, Snapchatters are successfully able to foster and build stronger relationships and therefore connect in ways that are deemed much more creative and easy.
This is an integral finding that should be adopted by brands, who can allow their consumers to connect directly with the brand, and find innovatory ways to build these relationships that are of much importance to Gen Z.
In fact, it was found that almost half of Gen Z said using AR Lenses or Filters helps them feel more connected to brands.
The Study in partnership with Crowd DNA helps marketers understand how exactly AR can transform the shopping experience.
As stated by the members of Gen Z:
- Want to be able to identify the size/style that suits me
- Want to make the shopping process easier
- Want to have a more fun and social shopping experience online
- Want to ask their friends / family their opinions on what to buy

What brands can take away from this report
Well the Snapchatters have indeed spoken, and it is our turn to listen.
It is evident that this generation are dynamic, and visually-led connectors. With a mosaic of digital tools available right at their fingertips, Gen Z, who hold strong purchasing power, are seeking new ways to shop.
Social and environmental issues are of high importance to them, and the ‘success’ of a brand is no longer managed by size, but more by the ways that they engage with their consumers and provide valuable experiences for them.
Brands must identify that the values of Gen Z illustrate that as a whole, they are much more inclusive and this should be represented by brands, in order to find ways to authentically establish their roles and become partners in reshaping these ‘traditional’ methods of communicating, connecting & shopping.