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Bella Hadid updates fans after medical leave due to Lyme disease

Bella Hadid has completed 100 days of treatment

Bella Hadid

The model, who is 26 years old, recently shared throwback photos showcasing her journey with the chronic disease. These photos depicted Hadid‘s struggles over the years, and included snippets of her medical records dating back more than a decade.

Her photos showed Hadid with IVs attached to her arm and ports for transfusions and blood draws. Her posts also detail acknowledgements for family members Gigi and Yolanda, and medical professionals for helping and supporting her through the journey.

After her quiet split with boyfriend Marc Kalman, Hadid has taken a break from social media, stating to fans in her recent post that she will be back when she is ready.

Bella Hadid’s mother Yolanda and brother Anwar have both also battled with Lyme disease in the past. Hadid tried her best to remind her fans who may also be struggling that “it will get better”.

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