Jo Lindner, also known as @joesthetics on social media, passed away due to an aneurysm. An aneurysm is an abnormal swelling or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel like an artery, causing brain damage.
The news of Jo’s passing was announced by his girlfriend Niche on social media where she wrote a long and heartfelt message about Jo’s passing. She told her followers that Jo was ‘he was in my arms’ and that the couple lay down cuddling waiting for time to go by.
With over 9 million followers on social media, Jo was a fitness enthusiast encouraging everyone to get up and work out. He also grew an incredible following on YouTube with 958K subscribers.
Even in his last post, Jo spoke about embracing your natural body by just getting into shape. If there is anything to take away from his profile, it was to stay disciplined, keep fit, and keep improving.
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