Do you remember Fyre Festival? The festival that was most talked about in the world and was supposed to be one of the greatest events of all time, however, ended up being a horror show? Wel, if you didn’t get to go to the first one, there’s always Fyre Festival 2.0 to look forward to in December.
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Fyre Festival
For those of you who didn’t watch the Netflix documentary, Fyre Festival was the most engaging, interesting, and mind-boggling 1 hour 37 minutes you will ever watch. Based on real-life events, the documentary is based on one American con artist Billy McFarland, and how he managed to organise one of the biggest events in the world through the art of swindling.
Through successful marketing campaigns with supermodels such as Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Hailey Bieber, to bringing in millions of dollars from investors, Billy McFarland managed to get thousands of people to this private island. In 2017, many people made their way to a private island to enjoy a luxury music experience with huge artists. However, once they arrived, the worst happened.

Far from luxury, the festival was a complete and utter shambles. Cold bread was served as food for the “luxury” experience, and prison-like beds were placed in soft and unstable tents.
Videos and pictures were shared online by those who attended the event of huge riots against the festival.
Fyre Festival 2.0
After the traumatic events, Billy McFarland was arrested and imprisoned for four years, 10 months of which were in solitary confinement. In a recent interview with Fraser Grut, Billy talks about dreaming again and wanting to do something with purpose and give back to the people. Thus, Billy thought of the comeback idea of Fyre Festival 2.0.
Something interesting that Billy said during the interview was “I felt forgotten.” By analysing the choice of words, do we think that this is just another one of Billy’s con artist games of wanting to be in the limelight?
Looking unrecognisable, Billy smiled his way through the interview excited about Fyre Festival 2.0.
Sold Out
Although no one has any idea of who is performing or where the festival will be located, Billy announced that the first batch of 100 tickets for the festival has sold out. Those who go onto the website can see for themselves that the tickets are sold. However, whether or not that is real or just another marketing scam to sell tickets, is unknown.
Golden Ticket
No, we’re not talking about actual golden tickets being sold on the website, we are talking about golden tickets given to 8 lucky (or unlucky) who will get to see everything. Again, the announcement of who the 8 people are is yet to be shown or told online and is a mystery. Billy McFarland is looking as thought he is trying to be more transparent this time over, yet whether there is any truth in it, no one knows until the event happens.
After Billy told his followers on Instagram that the first batch of tickets had sold out, he then went on to tell his followers about the merchandise he is currently selling. In his latest Instagram Reel, Billy shows off his black hat with FYRE written across the front.
For those waiting for the next release of tickets (if you dare), at least you can buy a Fyre Festival hat. Whether there’s a festival or not, you have a souvenir!
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