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It’s Written in the Stars: Your Daily Reading 13-19th March✨

It looks as though we need to push through this week. Continue for the full reading.

Times are changing with Saturn now in Pisces and therefore we are all starting to feel an energy shift. Last week, there was a full moon in Virgo which meant we were made to confront what was no longer needed in our lives letting us continue on the straight and narrow. This week, we start with “ok, let’s do something about it!”

We start with Scorpio energy with a lot in our minds and a lot of work to do while questioning what the necessary things are. Multiple options make us feel lucky and we get a kick from Saturn in Pisces. Mars argues with Neptune, Sun, and Mercury as the moon enters Sagittarius. What does all this mean? it means, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, lack of motivation, and some disappointment.

We proceed with an eerie feeling as though we are going to disturb someone or make a mistake. This disturbed state of mind is coming from our past failures so we are searching for the right moment to prevent it all from happening again. Why is it so difficult to move forward if we are this aware of disappointment?

Secretive and scandalous occasions can take place. There is a possibility of getting carried away with the wrong things. Some shocking news can surprise us but not in a fun way. We may feel hugely confused, and some feelings and thoughts start to surface one by one. As Venus squares to Pluto during the week, our money and sense of worth are also fragile.

As a result, this week will be like a trailer for us to understand what Saturn in Pisces means. It is okay to dream high, but ensure you have. It’s okay to be an observer, realise your limits, be true to yourself, use your imagination, and look at your options.

What’s about to happen to each sign?

Aries, you will regulate your daily routine with the new education you are about to have. Taurus, new projects, a group of new people, and the excitement of discovering new things will reshape who you are. Gemini, you will be breaking your old limits while setting new boundaries. Cancer, your perception of life will turn into something new, and there will be a chance to make long-term commitments while letting the old ones go. Leo, you will face your fears and take on new responsibilities while managing the financials. Virgo, the shape of the partnership will gain an entirely new face.  Libra, although you have yet to consider changing places, it will be an agenda. Scorpio, instead of just surviving, you will need the aim to live. Sagittarius, the attitude towards others will have to change, so all the other things accordingly. Capricorn, new horizons are about to open for you to journey on. Do not be the old pessimist. Aquarius, feeling adequate and worthy, is now the topic demanding answers. Pisces, you are announced to take the driver’s seat, and there is no place you can run to reject this.

End of the week, Venus will be entering Taurus and sextile to Saturn. It is an excellent time to do this if you intend to start new things. Expressing your creative side is the positive interpretation of what is happening above us.

We must not be stubborn against the change we will be going through. Saturn is the teacher, and Pisces is the art; it’s not me saying this; Saturn says that we all should learn to move gently in our surroundings, so learn to dance.

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