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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope: 1st astounding images reveal the sharpest view of the universe to date

Check out these astounding photos.

Before yesterday, the clearest photo we have ever seen of space was from the Hubble telescope that went into orbit in 1990.

NASA launched the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) into orbit in 2021 and the long awaited images have just been released to the public. In them, we can find the most beautiful images of the oldest galaxies, dying stars and new space information ever seen by the human eye.

While the Hubble Telescope took 2 weeks to capture a photo, Webb only required a couple of hours and was designed to capture light that is blocked by the earth’s atmosphere.

Astronomers worldwide believe that Webb could answer some of out biggest questions on the search for life on other planets.

Scientists are calling it “a new era in astronomy” and the world is so excited for what is to come from the JWST.

Nasa captures clearest image of the universe to date
The first beautiful image of the universe that NASA captured on JWST

“Light takes time to travel between the object and us, meaning that the light we are seeing from these colliding galaxies came from them 290 million years ago, so we are looking that far into the past.”

Astrophysicist Robin Cook from the University of Western Australia

NASA's James Webb Images of the universe
Take a closer look at the thousands of individual galaxies present in these images!

Google Celebrates NASA!

Google decided to honor our new break throughs by making the google icon drawing the new photos for the search engine today!

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