Nelk boys may be laying low recently but the boys knew they HAD to show out for Kyle’s birthday! Kyle Forgeard, co-founder of the Nelk Boys, updated his Instagram and TikTok a few hours ago to show off this insane gift he received from UFC’s Dana White.
Kyle and Dana’s Friendship
Ask any teenage boy what ‘Nelk’ means and they’ll be ready with a speech, these famous Youtube pranksters are arguably one of the most watched Youtube groups to this day!
The Nelk boys are famous for their hilarious pranks, irregular spending and wild content, but how are they involved with UFC?
The Nelk boys took the MMA world by storm when they first got involved around 2020. Originally building a bond with Dana himself, the boy were able to expand their connections in the UFC world and have proven to have a great influence over the industry.
They’ve created hilarious content with numerous people across UFC and have encouraged their large and dedicated audience to watch their UFC content. They have gained great respect in the MMA world for everything they do.
Din Thomas, UFC fighter, recalls asking the famous pranksters one time, “Isn’t that kind of dangerous?” to which they replied “There’s an excitement in the danger” prompting him to realize that this is what the boys live for.
Gift Opening
So what did White take to gifting Nelk’s creator with? Try 250,000 dollars. In cash. Yes, you read that right. The creator took to Instagram to share his gratefulness,
$250,000 for my birthday from the best mentor/friend i could ever ask for! I didn’t know how much money this was until after the video. I am in shock. Thank u so much @danawhite
Kyle Forgeard on his birthday gift
Though we may be in shock for this expense that Dana has made, this is not out of the ordinary for Nelk! The boys are regularly gifting their loved ones, random people and their staff with so many expensive gifts, it hard to keep track.
One of the Nelk Boys, Stephen “Steve” Deleonardis, who regularly enjoys gifting others and even gifted Dana White with a $300,000 custom howler head Maybach van.
The World’s Reaction
Many people are stunned with the decision on White’s part, while others are expressing their outrage with the situation
“Paying you more than he pays his fighters” “Yup… there goes UFC health insurance” and “If only he was this generous to his win fighters” are just a few comments of how UFC super fans are responding to White’s decision.
Outrageous spending definitely works for Nelk, they shower their staff in money and love, however it may not work for White, whom still has a lot to prove when paying his staff.
What do you think about the gift?