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Trending FYP Music
Have you ever gotten a TikTok song stuck in your head? Because your FYP is frequently full with trending music, many producers are employing the same tracks in their videos. TikTok knows what music is popular and is more likely to feature your video on the FYP if you follow suit.
Trends Trends & Trends
Apologies for another trend reference (hey, in the internet world, trends are always tops): on TikTok, there’s a limitless chance for dance trends, prank trends, challenge trends, and more.
Trends will not only increase your chances of getting on the FYP, but they are also a no-brainer when it comes to content brainstorming. Instead of coming up with something wholly new, look at what others are doing (and do it better).
For example, when it appeared that everyone (yes, chef, everyone) was binge-watching The Bear, numerous TikTok users decided to recreate the show’s omelet.
@smithschipsaus An omelette so good “I could cry” #TheBear ♬ original sound – SmithsChipsAUS
Be ahead of time
The TikTok FYP is all about what’s trendy right now… which often means anticipating the future. Consider holidays, special occasions, and seasons when creating your content schedule, and consider what you can do to make your TikToks meaningful at the moment they are posted.
Being timely may also mean that your TikTok is more valuable (no one wants pumpkin-carving tips on November 1).
Get your audience to participate
Engagement is one of the most important criteria in TikTok success. There are numerous strategies to increase your engagement rate on the site (here are five), but there is also a very simple engagement-boosting hack: simply ask. Encourage people to leave comments, enjoy your video, save it, and share it with their friends.
@altokeymusic only 1% of people win this challenge 🤯📖 #speedread #speedreading #speedreadingchallenge #positivity #positivevibes #thedaywemet #spreadpositivity #spreadloveandhappiness #altokey #altokeymusic #music #londonmusic #londonmusicians #sendtoafriend #sendthis #sendthistoyourfriend #sendtoyourbf #challenge ♬ the day we met – Alto Key
This rapid reading competition is a great example. From the start, the film encourages you to pay attention and not scroll away. Viewers are urged to leave a comment on the video if they complete the reading challenge and to forward it to a friend who might also benefit from a speed-reading test.
By encouraging people to comment on and share this video, as well as appealing to their feeling of rivalry, the creator increases engagement, which leads to a higher ranking on the algorithm and a larger possibility of being featured on an FYP.
Don’t forget the location
A user’s FYP will include viral and not-so-viral videos from throughout the world, but TikTok’s algorithm also considers location while creating the For You Page. The platform thinks – usually right — that TikTok users are interested in videos created in the same city, country, or continent where they live.
@felixcartal cant believe we did that vancouver. thank you 🙌🏻❤️🚆 #skytrain ♬ mine felix cartal sunset mix – felix cartal
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