Have you looked closely at the Men in Black International movie? If you look closely, one of your favorite influencers, Karen Wazen can be found. In a brief cameo, she appears on the screen in the Men In Black headquarters. She shared the following cameo on her stories on April 1st. She first shared the cameo with her children, who were initially shocked to see their Mom on Netflix! Once her children acclimated to the initial shock, they quickly imitated her posing and dance moves, and showed her that they could make a cameo in a movie too.
Lots of her followers shared her story with surprise, including @lifewithsabas, who shared: “Oh my goodness never realized @karenwazen you were in MIB.”
According to IMDB, MIB International’s plot line can be described as, “After an eye-opening encounter of the third kind, the secret MIB organization’s newest recruit, Agent M, finds herself under the wing of the heroic Agent H in cosmopolitan London, when a shape-shifting duo of intergalactic assassins executes an alien aristocrat. Now, with a devastating super-weapon of mass destruction hidden somewhere on Earth, the Men in Black will leave no stone unturned to retrieve it. However, heavy clouds of mistrust and a scent of betrayal envelop the once-incorruptible agency. Is there a well-placed mole in their midst?”