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Why Snapchat will make a difference this Holiday season

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Why Snapchat will make a difference this Holiday season

Snapchat is a unique place during the holiday season. Not only do Snapchatters spend significant time communicating and sharing special moments with their friends and loved ones all over the world, they also turn to Snapchat as their holiday gift guide to browse brands, build wish lists, and buy the perfect gifts time and time again.

The Snapchat Generation are avid gift givers and receivers throughout the holidays. They feel that this is the best time of the year and believe gifts are an essential part of the celebration, which is why their purchasing is not limited to major shopping moments, like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Snapchatters start shopping as early as October1, and continue to make purchases throughout the holiday season – with the majority of their shopping happening on mobile.

Mobile shopping has become more than a trend, but a new reality. In fact, 67% of all e-commerce sales this year will come from mobile2. With consumers officially jumping from desktop to mobile to make purchases, as a brand you’ll want to connect with the savvy mobile consumers there are this holiday season. Snapchatters are a mobile-first generation who shop online 20% more than other consumers3 and have incredible global spending power – $4.4 trillion and growing.

As you plan your holiday marketing campaigns and digital advertising strategies, here is why Snapchatters are the target audience that could help you grow your business this gift-giving season.

For tips and best practices on how your business can reach Snapchatters and unwrap real results this festive shopping season, download the Snapchat Advertising Holiday Playbook and follow