Posted inSocial Media

How Your Social Media Profile Can Lose You That Job

Did you know that 60% of employers are stalking you online?

How Your Social Media Profile Can Lose You That Job

They’re here…no not the body snatchers, but your next potential employer. We live in the 21st century, was only a matter of time before this happened, more and more employers are taking to social media to make an informed decision on whether or not to hire or even approach a potential candidate.

Regretting those brunch selfies yet…?

According to a study performed by Careerbuilder, over 60% of these suits are stalking you online. Why? To see what you’re like in the real world, of course.

Before you start getting all paranoid…relax, what’s done is done; you can’t take it back, but you can clean it up and the tips below should help you do just that.

Sort Out Your Profile Picture

No one’s telling you to break out your favourite suit and tie, this isn’t a Linked in page. But keep it cute and classy.

Where applicable, compliment it by adding a suitable cover photo. This is a great chance for you to share a moment of you doing something you love or showing off your wide friend circle. Yes, extending all the way from high school, popularity matters, especially for roles that place an emphasis on social skills.

Have A Descriptive Bio

No template for this one, just talk about you, your passions and what people can expect from your page. Don’t overthink it, keep it light and even add some humour, that should help you stand out.

NOT “Works Hard, Play’s Harder *winky face*

Keep It Clean

Should be a given, no profanity-laced tirades about your terrible lunch experience, and of course, nothing too promiscuous.

No Bad-Mouthing Your Ex…

…Employers that is. Again, this should be rule of thumb whether in or out of the office. 

Regardless of how justified you may be in your criticism, if you could speak so ill about your previous employer, you can do the same for your next one too.”
Regards, your could’ve been Employer.

Stay Out Of Politics

While you may feel the last election cycle wasn’t the best, please don’t hit ‘send’ on your rants. There’s a reason why your political posts, in most cases, never come near the engagement numbers of your average #Saltbae meme.

You never know what side of the fence people are going to be on, or how sensitive they are to it, so best reserve it for when you’ve built a significant level of rapport.

Share Your Passions & Hobbies

Pictures and content about you doing what you love should form about 50% of the content on your page. This, is gold to an employer, excelling in something whatever it may be i.e. fitness, sports, art, etc takes dedication, perseverance and exhibits satisfaction from something beyond monetary gain. Leading employers to believe you’d take the same approach to work…regardless of how true that may be.

Get In Better Shape & Post About It (not too often, though)

Especially if you’re in between jobs…Being in shape shows people you’re in control of your life and this small setback you’re facing hasn’t phased you one bit. Just no bathroom or gym selfies, please! Instead, take video snippets of yourself performing exercises and breaking new PR’s (personal records, not agency employees).

Be Social!

It’s only in the name after all. Take pictures of you doing stuff with friends and family, show that your outgoing and personable. Not only are these “soft skills” directly relevant to so many roles, it’ll just any doubts about whether or not the employer would want to be around you. Just edit out the table full of bubbles, maybe.